"Bad habits" that threaten our digital security:

📌Using weak passwords: We often use simple, easily guessable passwords like "123456" or "password," making our accounts easy targets for attackers. It is recommended to use "strong" passwords that consist of a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

📌Clicking on links without caution: We often fail to verify links before clicking on them, which can lead to malicious attacks such as phishing, where attackers try to fraudulently obtain our personal data. Always check links before clicking on them, especially in suspicious messages or emails.

📌Unsecured Wi-Fi network: Many of us don't pay enough attention to protecting our home Wi-Fi network. Using a weak Wi-Fi password or lacking encryption can allow attackers to gain access to our devices and confidential information. Set a complex password for your network and use WPA2 or WPA3 encryption.

📌Unprotected devices: We often neglect updating the software on our devices, including operating systems and applications. It creates vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers to compromise our devices. Always keep your software updated on all your devices.

📌Open social media profiles: Many of us share a lot of personal information on our social media profiles, which can make us targets for espionage or identity theft. Be cautious about what you post online and limit access to your profiles to trusted individuals.

📌Using unsecured public networks: Connecting to unsecured public Wi-Fi networks, such as those in cafes or public places, can be risky. Attackers can intercept your information if you're not using encryption or a virtual private network (VPN). Changing these bad habits can significantly improve our digital security and help avoid cybersecurity issues.
